使用說明 User Guide
(一) 出土簡帛文獻與《楚辭》釋讀
1. 本資料庫之《楚辭》底本據《四部叢刊》初編影江南圖書館藏明覆宋刊本《楚辭補注》錄入,部分地方參校明正德翻宋本。
2. 文本所涉諱改文字,除缺筆者外,一律不作回改。為便於檢索,書中個別古今字、通假字、異體字、俗體字等一律逕改不出校。
3. 「學者釋讀」主要羅列學者利用出土文獻釋讀《楚辭》文本字詞的論證,基本按發表時間先後為次。各釋證主要採擷與出土文獻有關之例證,與其關係較疏之論證一般均省略。至於原引之之文字錯訛等,囿於體例未能一一更改,如需引用請參考原文獻出處。各類資料之採用範圍,以2021年以前出版之論著為限,並注明原書頁數。
4. 「文例補充」將提供上列釋讀未引用或後來新出之簡帛文獻字詞以供對照,非簡帛類文獻如有助文本釋讀亦會酌量採用。此部分引用之簡帛文本主要出自陳偉主編《楚地出土戰國簡冊(十四種)》(2009),若溢出該書收錄範圍者則依據原整理本徵引,有關各文獻之使用詳見引用書目。此外,部分條目如有解說,則以按語形式標示。
5. 本資料庫古文字缺字一般依據原書引用,惟因部分來源圖檔解析度過低,或影響該字在網頁上的展現,故若該字檔見於「引得市」或「字形維基」字庫,則據以輯錄,特此聲明與致謝。
(二) 出土簡帛文獻與《楚辭》研究論著目錄
1. 本資料庫主要收錄《楚辭》與出土文獻有關之研究論著,範圍涵蓋現代中國及東亞地區學者之研究成果,並以2020年為著錄下限。
2. 資料庫之著述分為專書、期刊論文、文集論文、會議論文和學位論文五類。
3. 各論著出處以所刊年代最早者著錄,如有重刊本則酌量於備注中說明。部分因年代刊行久遠或來源不明而未能查核者,則以後出之版本著錄。
I. Conventions
(i) Interpretation of Chuci with the Use of Excavated Texts
- The base text used in the database is an electronic version reproduced from the Sibu congkan chubian edition which is photolithographed from a Ming dynasty reprint of the Song printed text of Chuci buzhu housed in the Library of Jiangnan. Some collations are made by making reference to another reprint of the Song text produced in the Zhengde reign (1505-1521) in the Ming dynasty.
- When an alternative character is used as a substitute of a taboo word, the database would input the alternative character without changing it back. (When a stroke is left out from the taboo word, the database would add the stroke back to facilitate better search function.) In cases when an ancient graph is used as a substitute of a modern character, or when variant graph forms are used, the database will change the character to the more common form without adding extra notes.
- “Scholar’s Interpretations” lists the arguments each scholar presents when they use excavated materials to interpret the text of Chuci. Their arguments are listed in chronological order following their publication dates. The interpretations included in this database are mainly those based on excavated materials. Interpretations that are not related to any excavated materials are generally omitted in this database. If the original citations contain textual errors, the database would not revise any of these mistakes. Please refer to the original source when the text is cited. The scope of the database is limited to materials published before 2021. The page number of the original source can be found in each entry.
- “Supplementary Materials” presents other newly excavated texts and materials that are not cited in any of the interpretations listed in the above section. These materials are provided for further analysis. Received texts which may be helpful for providing an interpretation of the Chuci line may be included in this section. The excavated texts in this section are mainly cited from Chudi chutu zhanguo jiance (shisi zhong) (2009) edited by Chen Wei. If the materials incorporated in the database is not found in Chen’s compilation, the text will be cited in accordance to the original collation. For the reference cited in this section, please refer to the “Bibliography.” In addition, some notes may be added to provide certain explanations on the entries.
- Some seldom used ancient Chinese characters are directly quoted from the original reference in the form of an image file. However, the resolution of some of these images is too low. To avoid hindrance to the quality of the display of the character, the database would include an image file found in Yindeshi or GlyphWiki instead. We would like to express our gratitude to the two websites.
(ii) Bibliography of Chuci Studies and Excavated Texts
- This database contains secondary research on Chuci and the excavated texts associated with Chuci. The database covers the research conducted by scholars in Modern China and East Asia. It includes works published before 2020.
- The references included in this database are grouped into five categories: monograph, journal paper, book chapter, conference paper, and thesis.
- The earliest date of publication is recorded for each entry. The database may specify in the remarks when there is a reprint of the work. If the date of the first publication of a reference cannot be determined, then the publication date of its later reprint will be recorded.
II. How to Use
This database is divided into two search interfaces: “Interpretation of Chuci with the Use of Excavated Texts” (referred to as “Full-text Search”) and “Bibliography of Chuci Studies and Excavated Texts” (referred to as “Bibliographic Search”). You can go to the search box under the two interface, enter the keyword and click “Search.” In the “Scholar’s Interpretation” section, you can enter words or phrases based on the Chuci text, and all the matches will be displayed after the query. The interpretation of each entry can also be opened by scanning the QR code of the webpage under the search item. A “Bibliographic Search” can be performed by searching the author’s name, the title of the book, or the journal article.